In this monthly feature, we span the globe to examine Our Changing Landscape with a time series of medium-resolution PlanetScope satellite imagery. The PlanetScope constellation dates back to 2016 and collects hundreds of millions of square kilometers of 4, 5 and 8-band 3-meter imagery daily! For the last edition of 2021 we checked out flooding in China, and for this first 2022 edition of Our Changing Landscape we stay in Asia with a look at the site of a recent shipping accident in southeast Russia.
The PlanetScope Microsat Constellation
PlanetScope is a constellation of more than 150 microsats referred to individually as Doves. Each Dove is able to collect up to 20,000 square kilometers (sq km) per day of 3-meter (m) 4-band multispectral (i.e. blue, green, red and near-infrared [NIR]) imagery; and newly launched SuperDoves collect 8-band multispectral adding in valuable red-edge spectral data. Across the constellation, PlanetScope is archiving more than 200 million sq km of medium-resolution imagery a day, making it the go to source for daily imagery over most locations. This massive archive dates back to 2016, offering the most complete and continuous record of spatial data on the planet since the start of the constellation’s ongoing launch schedule. Collecting 3-meter multispectral imagery is the equivalent of ‘high-resolution’ multispectral data imaged by a 75-centimer (cm) satellite (as this satellite would feature 75-cm panchromatic and 3-m multispectral), making PlanetScope an extremely competitively priced option at just $1.80 per sq km. With well registered images and nearly daily collections of most locations, PlanetScope is the ideal imagery source for this current-events focused series, Our Changing Landscape.
Rise Shine Runs Aground Off the Coast of Nakhodka, Russia
Rise Shine is a 331-feet (101-meter) long by 62-feet (19-meter) wide cargo ship built in 1999 and is currently registered to Panama. When fully loaded with cargo, Rise Shine can carry some 1,130 tons. On November 9, 2021 at 06:02 local time, the crew of Rise Shine issued a distress signal as they tried to weather a brutal storm in Vostok Bay. Shortly thereafter, the cargo vessel ran aground off the coast of Nakhodka, Russia and broke into two. At the time, Rise Shine was carrying 199 containers which were likely lost in the storm; though thankfully the entire 14-person crew was rescued by helicopter. A Russian tug boat was headed to the site of the accident on November 9th, but as of November 19th it appears that Rise Shine was still trapped off the coast as local crews were working on draining onboard fuel. So now it is time to turn to the 3-meter PlanetScope archive to check out the site where Rise Shine ran aground to see if damage to the vessel can be detected and perhaps if cargo can be seen in the shallow waters.
If you would like to find out more about using 3-meter PlanetScope imagery for your academic studies, engineering projects or any landscape analysis, let us know at sales@apollomapping.com or (303) 993-3863.
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