We love maps.
We love imagery.
We love work breaks.
We hope you like them as well!
It’s February so Spring might be on your mind as it’s certainly on ours! Outdoor work breaks are one of our favorite springtime activities and one of our favorite activities in general. So, take some time to get outside for a few moments today, but before you head out, take a quick gander at this WorldView-3 image collected over La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada on June 9, 2018. And what was going on this day at the Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu which is at the center of this image? Well, it was the yearly G7 Summit! The G7 – once the G8 before Russia was expelled in 2014 – is a group comprised of the leaders of the world’s seven wealthiest capitalist nations, i.e. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and United States. The heads of states of each country plus invited guest countries met each year to discuss economic, environmental and social policy, hoping to reach a consensus on the direction each leader will steer their countries and the world. The 2018 G7 Summit is perhaps best known for the discord between the United States and the other participating members. Oh, and a bit about the imagery here as you might notice this is more of a side view of the landscape, referred to as high off-nadir in the industry, resulting in a less detailed image with 81-centimeter resolution and a unique perspective.
Have a great rest of your workday! ☺
(Image Courtesy: DigitalGlobe. Processed by Apollo Mapping for improved color accuracy and clarity.)
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