WorldDEM & WorldDEM Neo

Completed in 2016, 12-meter (m) WorldDEMTM is the first global elevation model with resolution better than 30-m. Derived from stereo radar pairs collected from December 2010 to mid-2014 by Airbus Defense and Space GEO’s twin satellites, TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X, WorldDEM features 12-m resolution. With years of experience producing spatial data through interferometry, Airbus’ WorldDEM is a high-quality elevation layer that is free from common radar-induced anomalies.

In late 2021, Airbus released an update to WorldDEM Neo, increasing the product resolution to 5-m. WorldDEM Neo is also derived from TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X stereo radar pairs collected from 2017 to 2021.

WorldDEM is the ideal solution for all mapping projects requiring accurate elevation models including orthorectification, floodplain determination, mineral exploration and hydrocarbon development.

What to ExpectPricingKey SpecificationsDifferentiators

An animated comparison of 30-m USGS SRTM data and 12-m WorldDEMTM obtained over Arkansas, USA. (Image Sources: USGS and Airbus Defense and Space)

For many, one of the key steps to purchasing elevation data is understanding the costs. The prices below are for the least expensive WorldDEM data offered. Prices will increase for more intensively processed data. Volume discounts are available.

For an exact quote, please contact our Sales Team at

  • DEM Post Spacing (i.e. Resolution): 12 m; 5-m WorldDEM Neo
  • Absolute Vertical Accuracy: < 1.4 m Linear Error 90% (LE90); per comparison to global IceSAT dataset
  • Relative Vertical Accuracy: < 2 m LE90 on slopes ≤ 20%; < 4 m LE90 on slopes > 20%
  • Absolute Horizontal Accuracy: < 6 m Circular Error 90% (CE90)
  • Data Source: interferometry from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X
  • Data Source Vintage: December 2010 to mid-2014; 2017 to 2021, WorldDEM Neo
  • Available Formats: WorldDEMcore (unedited digital surface model); WorldDEM (edited digital surface model); WorldDEM DTM (digital terrain model); WorldDEM Neo has a similar suite of formats
  • WorldDEM Neo DTM Editing Options:
    • Level 1 – removal of surface structures (non-terrain structures) from WorldDEM Neo DSM such as built-up areas and tall vegetation (automated production)
    • Level 2 – removal of surface structures (non-terrain structures) from WorldDEM Neo DSM such as built-up areas and tall vegetation plus: refinement of land cover borders (vegetation, urban areas) down to single objects (trees, houses) before reducing the elevation to the terrain level; extended preservation of ridge lines and canyons; precise modelling of transport structure (bridges, motorways, embankments); and detailing the extents of hydrographic features (water bodies, reservoirs, rivers) and respective alignment of water surface heights (automated production + human-edited)


All three formats of WorldDEM and WorldDEM Neo are available for near instantaneous delivery. This is a huge advantage over other elevation datasets which can take weeks, months or even years to produce.

Global Coverage

WorldDEM Neo and WorldDEM are the first elevation datasets with standardized 5-m and 12-m coverage from pole to pole of our planet.

Data in Cloudy Places

In many places of the world, there is persistent cloud cover that makes collecting quality optical stereo pairs extremely difficult. WorldDEM and WorldDEM Neo are created from radar data which can pass through clouds, so they are an ideal elevation solution for the cloudiest of places.

Multiple Formats

As no product is a one-size fits all solution, WorldDEM and WorldDEM Neo are offered as an unedited and edited digital surface model (DSM) and as a digital terrain model (DTM).

Are you interested in learning more about the processing techniques used for WorldDEM Neo DTM Level 1 and Level 2?

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