Precision3D DSM & DTM

Maxar uses a big data approach to create their geospatial database, ‘The Globe in 3D’. By combining unique, patented algorithms with the world’s largest archive of satellite data, Precision3D (formerly called Vricon DSM/DTM data) is an authoritative, geo-specific three-dimensional representation of the planet that includes a digital elevation model (DEM).

As all Precision3D products are derived from The Globe in 3D, the layers are perfectly georegistered and maintain the highest accuracy throughout their entire suite of offerings, be it 50-centimeter or 5-meter Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) or Digital Surface Models (DSMs). These DEMs boast an impressive absolute vertical and horizontal accuracy of 3-meter LE90/CE90 – achieved without the need for ground control points.

What to ExpectPricingKey SpecificationsDifferentiators
A 50-cm Precision3D DSM sample from Oahu, Hawaii.

Many customers start their 3D journey with the Precision3D 5-meter Digital Elevation Model, the least expensive DEM data in this product suite. Volume discounts are available.

For an exact quote, please contact our Sales Team at

  • DEM Post Spacing (i.e. Resolution): 5 m
  • Absolute Vertical Accuracy: < 3 m Linear Error 90% (LE90)
  • Absolute Horizontal Accuracy: < 3 m Circular Error 90% (CE90)
  • Data Source: Maxar satellite imagery
  • Available Formats: DSM and DTM

High Resolution

At 50-cm resolution, Precision3D can deliver one of the highest resolution DEMs available using archived satellite imagery.

Superior Accuracy

Even without ground control points, the absolute vertical/horizontal accuracy of these DEMs is 3-meter LE90/CE90.

Wide Availability

Precision3D is created from a vast archive of Maxar satellite imagery, cutting out clouds and snow in most places. As such, the vintage of the data varies but can go back to 2001.

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