- It’s that time of the month when you get to read about all the fun technology ideas I have seen recently, so let’s jump in, yay!
New heat shields for electronic devices that are just atoms thick.
Organic molecules could improve solar cell efficiency in the near future.
Battery-free way for sensors to communicate over large distances invented.
From wood scraps to fish food?
A more sustainable way to make nylon.
Low-cost, extremely-abundant material invented to harvest energy from waste heat.
Laser engraved graphene produces a flexible, waterproof fabric for solar panels and more.
This reactor directly converts carbon dioxide into a useable fuel.

- The August 2019 NOAA Global Climate report is out and you guessed it, it was a warm month! In fact, it was the second warmest August on record – with the five warmest Augusts on record all occurring since 2014. Oh and we do not talk about this point often, but it was the 6th warmest month ever over the open oceans. And keep in mind that the oceans help drive global weather patterns so warming here could be just as perilous as over the land. This also marks the 32nd month in a row that the Trump administration has denied the scourge of global climate change.
- Boo! Halloween is upon us so of course it is time for a ghastly Google search of the month, namely “GIS and demons!” And wouldn’t you know it, I actually found an article with both GIS and the word demon in it, but okay, in the final edition of the tutorial the word ‘demon’ was cut out. But either way, the Pavlis and Langford tutorial on QGIS for geology is a worthwhile read so it still made the cut for this month’s Google search!
- Last month we checked out the online GIS resources of Buffalo, NY and well they were scant, do we return to form this month when we travel to Raleigh, North Carolina for a similar investigation?
Raleigh, NC GIS Website
Raleigh, NC GIS Contacts
Raleigh, NC GIS Web Map
Raleigh, NC GIS Map Collections
Raleigh, NC GIS Direct Downloads
Brock Adam McCarty
Map Wizard
(720) 470-7988
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