We love maps.
We love imagery.
We love work breaks.
We hope you like them as well!
Wow, August is already here so we are into the hot, humid days of summer around the USA. But even that should not stop you from getting outside on a quick workbreak! Before you head out, take a quick gander at this 50-centimeter Pléiades 1 image collected over the Olympic Village in Tokyo, Japan on August 1, 2021 – which would have been right in the middle of the COVID-delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Now we had hoped to feature a stunning image of the Olympic Village, teaming with activity – but what you see is a strange image with really no activity on the ground. So, this is more of a quick lesson on satellite imagery collected by the ocean – in that if the water has a plethora of sunglint on it’s surface – which is caused by lots of waves combined with the sun high overhead, you end up with imagery that is over saturated in so many areas that in regions with buildings, parks, roads, etc. the colors look odd, and the shadows are much deeper than they should be. Oh well, it happens! As a side note, there are already plans to redevelop the Olympic Village as property in Tokyo is very expensive and hard to come by.
Have a great rest of your workday! ☺
(Image Courtesy: Airbus. Processed by Apollo Mapping for improved color accuracy and clarity.)
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