We love maps.
We love imagery.
We love work breaks.
We hope you like them as well!
Time flies when you are having fun at work…well probably not, but can you believe the year is almost over?! Even if your year has creeped by, it’s time to get outside for a quick work break! But before you head out, take a gander at this 30-centimeter WorldView-3 image collected over the Calgary Stampede on July 7, 2018 at 1:00 PM. The annual event would have been in full swing at this time as you can see people all over the event grounds in this 30-cm image. We have covered the Calgary Stampede before, this time in 2016. The 2018 event spanned July 6th to July 15th drawing some 1,271,241 attendees, which was up 4.4% from the previous year.
Have a great rest of your workday!
(Images Courtesy: DigitalGlobe. Processed by Apollo Mapping for improved color accuracy and clarity.)
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