‘To all good things must come an end,’ and well after an eleven year mission in space, the 5-meter medium-resolution satellite constellation, RapidEye, will be decommissioned on December 31st. Launched on August 29, 2008, the five satellite constellation amassed a ginormous archive during its time in space, covering some 14 billion square kilometers. And okay sure, we can commiserate with our readers on the recent price hikes to RapidEye archive data, making it all but impossible to afford except for large projects; but in this time of morning, let’s all focus on the positive!
If you have any questions about the decommissioning of RapidEye or are interested in a quote for the immense archive it amassed, send us an email anytime at sales@apollomapping.com. Oh and in case you are wondering, we are actively working with Planet to find a solution for lower priced minimum orders for RapidEye archive data – stay tuned there…
For many years to come, researchers will have a robust archive of 5-meter 5-band imagery covering a decade of economic recovery, rapid expansion of the human population and escalating environmental and climate challenges. And it is for this that we thank you RapidEye and say goodbye, you will be missed!
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