Posted on January 9th, 2024

New Pricing, DTM Options and Accuracy Spec for 5-m WorldDEM Neo

Airbus announced new pricing for all their 5-meter resolution DEM products along with new processing levels. WorldDEM Neo DSM with 5-meter resolution has a new low price, so reach out to us at to get your hands on our most recent digital elevation model (DEM) pricelist.

A sample of 5-meter WorldDEM Neo DSM data over Phu Hoi, Vietman.

5-meter WorldDEM Neo DTM is now available as a Level 2 product with manual processing for better results. This includes the removal of surface structures from WorldDEM Neo DSM such as built-up areas and tall vegetation. It also incorporates the refinement of land cover borders before reducing the elevation to the terrain level and extending the preservation of ridge lines and canyons with the precise modelling of transport structure like bridges, motorways, embankments; and then also detailing the extents of hydrographic features like water bodies, reservoirs, and rivers, and respective alignment of water surface heights.

The Level 1 product is an automated DTM removing surface structures from WorldDEM Neo DSM for a more economical option, and when bundled with the DSM there’s considerable cost savings. Airbus tested the accuracy of WorldDEM Neo with respect to the global ICESat layer and updated the absolute vertical accuracy specification to an impressive < 1.4 m Linear Error 90% (LE90).

Finally, we have our first sample of the 5-meter DTM Level 1 product available to download for free. You can download the sample of Perry County Pennsylvania from our website, along with a 5-meter DSM of the same area. Airbus also offers a 12-meter WorldDEM product and its samples are free to download on this same page.

Here are the technical specifications for WorldDEM for your perusal:

  • DEM Post Spacing (i.e. Resolution): 12 m; 5-m WorldDEM Neo
  • Absolute Vertical Accuracy: < 1.4 m Linear Error 90% (LE90)
  • Relative Vertical Accuracy: < 2 m LE90 on slopes ≤ 20%; < 4 m LE90 on slopes > 20%
  • Absolute Horizontal Accuracy: < 6 m Circular Error 90% (CE90)
  • Data Source: interferometry from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X
  • Data Source Vintage: December 2010 to mid-2014; 2017 to 2021, WorldDEM Neo
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18 Responses to New Pricing, DTM Options and Accuracy Spec for 5-m WorldDEM Neo

  1. David Abriha says:

    Interested in the new prices of the 5m dem product

  2. Andrew Nuwasiima says:

    Much interested in the new pricing so that I can see how to utilise your services for sure

  3. Chuck Smith says:

    Can you please send me pricing information? Thank you.

  4. This is very interesting! I would appreciate if the price list for the 5-M WORLDDEM NEO data.

  5. Sam Gandhi says:

    Interested in seeing the new pricing for these WorldDEM Neo products, thanks!

  6. Mike says:

    Please prodive new pricing for 5 m and 12 m resolution DEM images and or /data

  7. Sein Moe says:

    To buy the DEM with 5 meter resolution.

  8. Santhosh Babu Madhavan says:

    Can you provide pricing and accuracy 5m resolution DEM with geo tif images for Dimahaso district in Assam,India, Our requirement would be about 203*.2=40.6Sqkm. Also provide sample data on some hilly terrain. Sample should contain road portion as our requirement is for preliminary alignment option study.

  9. zaw says:

    want to know 5 m dem price list and do you have other resolution dem?

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