- Let’s kick off our first technology review of the year without delay!
New power-generating clothing material made from complex carbon rings developed.
Indoor lighting could power next-generation handheld electronics.
Printable next-gen batteries are making strides forward.
New technique could pave way for sustainable hydrogen production.
New membrane makes biofuels cheaper and more efficient.
Microbial fuel cells are one step closer.
New material could reduce heating and cooling energy demands in USA by 20%. - It was certainly warm here on planet Earth again in November 2020 – bet you are not shocked if you read the monthly NOAA Global Climate reports. In fact, November 2020 was the second warmest on record – behind 2015 – with temperatures 0.97°C (1.75°F) above the 20th Century average. The five warmest Novembers have happened since 2013, and in 2020 some 6.74% of the world’s land and water surfaces saw record temperatures. The only glimmer of hope on the horizon is the transition to the Biden administration that has already shown an interest in working with the world to solve this global crisis.
- Did you know that January 4th is National Spaghetti Day?! Yummy! So, in honor of this important holiday, our Google Search of the month was, “Spaghetti and GIS.” If you look through the results, you might find this paper by Deng and P. Revesz of the University of Nebraska that describes the spaghetti model of GIS. And while this theory is not nearly as tasty as the Italian dish, the spaghetti model helped lay the foundation of what we consider modern GIS today – so take some time to learn about the model!
- In December we checked out the robust GIS resources of Washington’s second largest city, Spokane, and for this month we travel to the opposite coast with a review of Huntington, West Virginia’s GIS resources:
Huntington, WV GIS Website
Huntington, WV GIS Contacts (same page as above, check the right sidebar)
Huntington, WV GIS Web Map
Huntington, WV GIS Map Collections (check the ‘Maps’ sections at the bottom of the page)
Huntington, WV GIS Direct Downloads (try emailing the GIS contacts as it’s unclear how else to find this data)
Brock Adam McCarty
Map Wizard
(720) 470-7988
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