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Posted on January 8th, 2019

Map Mavin Methods – SQL Queries

Another month means another installment of Map Mavin Methods. Last month we talked about Map Galleries and before that we unveiled our ArcGIS-to-Map Mavin plugin. This month we are taking a dive into our new SQL tool. SQL queries allows users to search through their database quickly and with little fuss. On the advanced end, it can send back solutions to a query made through our Manual PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostGIS 2.3.4 Editor.

Check out our new SQL tool in Map Mavin.

To access the SQL tool, open the web map with the features you want to query. Click on the menu icon to the right of the feature and select View Attributes. On the top bar of the attribute table you will see the SQL button. Click on the button to open the SQL tool. There are two ways to query your attributes, either using the SQL Wizard or the Manual SQL Editor. With the SQL Wizard, you can add conditions using a drop down menu that includes all the attribute table columns; then you select an operation, whether that’s equals, not equals or contains, to name a few. After selecting the operation, you enter your search term. You can add numerous conditions and groups of conditions to narrow down your search.

The second option is to use the Manual SQL Editor. Here you can create your own expressions using PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostGIS 2.3.4, including calculations, subqueries, string functions, numeric functions and number searching. All of the results from Manual SQL entries will appear in the attribute table.

Map Mavin now gives you and your users the power to query features and make the most of your data.

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