In last month’s first edition of Map Mavin Methods (MMM), we introduced our readers to Screen Share which is a way to collaborate on a web map in real-time. In July, we take a step back with a look at the first step of using Map Mavin, i.e. the sign up process. We also introduce the three types of Map Mavin permissions: users, admins and sub-admins.
Signing up for Map Mavin is quick and painless. It will literally take you less than 2 minutes to complete the process. To get started, you enter your email address – which is also your username – and a password. A confirmation email is then sent to you where you will click on a link to register with Map Mavin. Once that is done, you login with your username and password and complete the registration process.
To finalize the Map Mavin registration process, you will need to determine if you want a free user account or a paid admin account – below I elaborate on the difference between free users and paid accounts. Free user accounts will only be required to supply a first and last name plus a company/organization. Paid accounts will be asked for their address information and a credit card to get their free one-month Map Mavin trial started. And well, that is it! Just 2-minutes of your valuable workday spent setting up Map Mavin, and you are ready to start loading up spatial data and making web maps.
Free Map Mavin Users vs. Paid Accounts
There are two types of accounts that can be set up in Map Mavin: free web map users and paid admins. Free web map users (called Users from here on) are able to use any web map shared with them by paid admin accounts. Users are given one username and password to access all of the web maps shared with them, even if the web maps are shared by different admins.
Paid accounts have one (or many if you like) Admin who can use the full functionality of Map Mavin, including the ability to upload and download spatial data, create and share web maps and adjust permission levels. An Admin is able to add additional Admins to the account as well as add Sub-Admins. Sub-Admins have all of the same ability to use Map Mavin as Admins, only they cannot delete the account nor access the credit card information. Both Sub-Admins and Admins can add any User to the web maps they create, even if the Users are not registered with Map Mavin. If the invited User is not registered with Map Mavin, when they access their first Web Map, the new User will be asked to go through the short registration process mentioned above.
That’s it folks – nothing too complex here as the sign up process is the easiest of any of our competitors. Now it is time for a short video that shows you the steps I have explained here.
Until next month, MMM…mmmmm!
Brock Adam McCarty
Map Wizard
(720) 470-7988
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