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Posted on March 7th, 2017

Map Mavin is LIVE!

Apollo Mapping is proud to announce that our long-awaited GIS cloud, Map Mavin, is now up and running! With Map Mavin, you can make maps in minutes online and share them around the world, without any background in mapping and with no need for expensive and tedious desktop software.

Here is a web map we made with Map Mavin – it shows bike routes and subway entrances in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

We believe that mapping shouldn’t require a degree or complex training just to get started. And how about the hassle of lugging around a laptop computer just to open and view your maps and data? With Map Mavin these hassles will never plague your projects again!

Okay, so we’ve made it easier to make maps and to store and view geographic data…but you may be asking: why Map Mavin? Why not another online mapping service? And how can this service benefit my team?

We considered your team when we designed and built Map Mavin. In noting our own qualms as well as the needs we heard from many of our clients, we developed a standout feature that will change the way you collaborate on all of your mapping projects:

Introducing Screen Share.

This short YouTube video shows you just how easy it is to make and share web maps with Map Mavin.

With Screen Share, you can invite as many users as you need all to one central map. With a built-in chat feature and the ability for all users in the group to manipulate the map being viewed, everyone is, well, literally on the same page. For example, as one user in New York highlights a site with his cursor, users in Mumbai, London and Buenos Aires can all watch as the changes are reflected right on their screens. The possibilities opened up by our revolutionary screen sharing tool are endless!

Best off, our price can’t be beat. Map Mavin is only $20 a month for 5 GB of storage and data download, and then only 75 cents for each GB after that. Plus you can cancel at any time and you even get your first month free.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial and/or schedule a live demo today by visiting or by sending us an email at

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2 Responses to Map Mavin is LIVE!

  1. Brian Cannon says:

    I work with various US universities by providing survey and mapping of archaeological sites in Turkey, Jordan, and Egypt. One of the most frustrating parts of my work is providing accurate topo maps of the sites in question. All maps provided by local authorities offer contours at 10 meter intervals which is worthless. Does signing up with Map Maven allow me access to download the latest contour information, digital imagery, etc. from your site? I possess numerous plan views of Roman/Byzantine structures but having, say, 1 meter topo info available would make my job infinitely easier. Thank you.

    • Hi Brian – thanks for reaching out! Map Mavin at this time does not provide access to any datasets. It is meant to upload your TIFF and vector files to create web maps that people can view with a URL.

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