Posted on March 3rd, 2020

In Focus – Apollo Mapping Imagery & Academia: Satellite imagery for population assessments

Over the many years, Apollo Mapping has helped a countless number of academics and professors source the proper imagery for their grant-funded research budgets. Whether it is 8-band multispectral and short-wave infrared (SWIR) WorldView-3 satellite imagery for land-use land-cover mapping; 50-cm digital elevation models (DEMs) for archaeological research; or synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for monitoring weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in remote regions, we have decades of expertise finding the correct geospatial data source for your next project.

A satellite image with a GIS overlay of households that have been removed or added during Shields’ study duration.

In this regular series, In Focus, we scour the Internet to find former Apollo Mapping clients who used our satellite imagery and/or DEMs in their academic research publication. So without further ado, here is this month’s featured academic article.

Article Title, Author & Academic Institution: Spatial and temporal changes in household structure locations using high-resolution satellite imagery for population assessment: an analysis in southern Zambia, 2006-2011, Timothy Shields et al., Johns Hopkins University

Key Scientific Discipline(s): GIS, human geography, remote sensing, spatial epidemiology, spatial statistics

Executive Summary: Spatial statistics are applied to two high-resolution satellite images collected approximately 4.5 years apart to assess changes in household distributions. While more houses were added then removed over the project duration, the relative distribution of the households did not change, meaning that older archived data can be used to plan field surveys if project budgets are limited.

Commercial Satellite Imagery Datasets Used: GeoEye-1 and QuickBird

Are you a former Apollo Mapping academic client who want us to feature your research in a future edition of In Focus? If so, send us an email at, we would be happy to hear from you again!

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