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Posted on August 1st, 2023

Featured Product – 15-cm/30-cm Stereo & 20-cm/40-cm DSMs over Europe & USA

Are you looking for highly-detailed and accurate stereo data and/or digital elevation models (DEMs) from the United States or Europe? If so, then we have you covered with 15-centimeter (cm) to 30-cm stereo pairs plus 20-cm to 40-cm digital surface models (DSMs) and point clouds delivered from an archive covering much of the region!

Both of these sub-meter elevation products created by Hexagon (HxGN) have the same geographic extent as their corresponding 15-cm and 30-cm aerial imagery layers and can be queried anytime on Image Hunter. HxGN optical stereo pairs are delivered in both natural color and false color at 15-cm and 30-cm resolutions (as is available in the archive). Here is a more detailed summary of the product specifications for these 15/30-cm high-resolution stereo pairs:

Stereo Pair Resolution*:  15-cm and 30-cm
Geographic Coverage:  Europe & the United States (as available)
Spectral Bands:  natural color & false color (CIR)
Bit Depth:  16-bit
Horizontal Accuracy (XY):  0.5-m RMSE, 1.07-m CE90%
Product Format:  GeoTIFF with appropriate stereo models and exterior orientation parameters
Coordinate System:  UTM IRTF2008 (Europe), UTM NAD83 (USA)
Nominal Stereo Ground Sampling Distance (GSD):  ~20-cm for 15-cm aerial locations; ~40-cm for 30-cm locations
Control Systems:  onboard GPS/IMU plus bundle adjustment with ground control points

In addition, 20-cm and 40-cm DSMs and point clouds are derived from these optical stereo pairs and are ready for rapid, off-the-shelf delivery. Featuring exceptional horizontal and vertical accuracies, these DSMs cover much of the United States and Europe. Here is a more detailed summary of the DSM product specifications:

DEM Type:  digital surface model (DSM)
DSM Resolution*:  equal to nominal stereo ground sampling distance (GSD), which is commonly 20-cm or 40-cm
DSM Product Formats:  1X stereo GSD, full resolution point cloud; 2X stereo GSD, de-noised point cloud; 4X stereo GSD, intermediate resolution point cloud; and 5-m raster grid
Geographic Coverage:  Europe & the United States (as available)
Horizontal Accuracy (XY):  1.2-m RMSE, 2.6-m CE90%
Vertical Accuracy (Z):  2X stereo GSD
File Format:  compressed LAZ (point cloud), or GeoTIFF (raster grid)
Coordinate System (horizontal, vertical):  UTM IRTF2008, EGM08 (Europe); UTM NAD83, NAV88 (USA)

* Please note that in some limited cases, regional Hexagon elevation datasets are available at a reduced resolution for both DSM and stereo pair products.

15-cm and 30-cm Hexagon (HxGN) aerial imagery coverage, including these high-resolution DSM and stereo imagery products, can be searched for anytime on Image Hunter. If you would like additional details and/or pricing on any of these product offerings, send us an email at and we will get right back to you!

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