Are you in need of a rapid, new collection over a time-sensitive project you are working on?
Or perhaps you need to monitor a construction project in a foreign country?
Do you need imagery that is more recent than the high and medium resolution satellite archives offer but don’t have $2000+ in the budget for tasking?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should consider the EROS A and B satellite constellation for your next project. With the lowest minimum order price for a new collection of high and medium resolution satellite imagery, the EROS constellation is a viable solution for those in need of rapid tasking that is budget friendly.
The EROS satellite constellation delivers panchromatic-only imagery to assure maximum tasking capacity and thus quicker collections of newly tasked data. For our readers who have not worked with panchromatic imagery, it is an excellent substitute for any project that requires natural color data. Admittedly, if your project includes spectral analysis that relies on multispectral bands, then EROS imagery is not an appropriate choice. Here are some instances where panchromatic EROS imagery is an ideal choice:
- Regional mapping projects
- Site monitoring over remote construction sites
- Elevation models where project timelines are short
- Planning a demographic survey before you arrive on site
- Updating a GIS database with current imagery over high growth areas
- Collecting new imagery over areas that traditionally have high competition
As many of our clients know, there seem to be an ever-increasing number of high and medium resolution satellites in the commercial marketplace. This can make it challenging to decide what satellite is the correct choice for your project. Here are the features that we believe separate EROS A and EROS B from the competition:
- The lowest price minimum order for a new mono collection of satellite imagery.
- Reasonably priced rush tasking with a guaranteed attempt within 5 days of start collect.
- 5-meter elevation models delivered in short time frames.
- Competitively priced stereo and triplet tasking.
- A 10% discounts for academic research and teaching.
Archive data is also available from both EROS A and EROS B. Given that the EROS constellation focuses on new collections, the archive tends to be highly focused over key areas of interest. The Apollo Mapping sales team is happy to assist with any archive searches you might need for historic EROS A and B data.
Key Specifications of EROS A
- Launch Date – December 5, 2000
- Spectral Bands – panchromatic only
- Resolution – 2.1 meter (m, varies with orbital height and off-nadir angle)
- Revisit Time – ~3.5 days (varies with latitude and off-nadir angle)
- Swath Width – 15 kilometer (km, varies with orbital height and off-nadir angle)
- Bit Depth – 11-bits
- Orbit Height – 550 km (varies about this average)
Key Specifications of EROS B
- Launch Date – April 25, 2006
- Spectral Bands – panchromatic only
- Resolution – 70 centimeter (varies with orbital height, off-nadir angle and imaging mode)
- Revisit Time – ~3.5 days (varies with latitude and off-nadir angle)
- Swath Width – 7 km (varies with orbital height and off-nadir angle)
- Bit Depth – 10-bits
- Orbit Height – 510 km (varies about this average)
For more information about the EROS constellation, pricing requests or tasking feasibilities, please contact the Apollo Mapping sale team at
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