Posted on August 14th, 2019

2.5-meter AW3D DEMs Now Available! Get Your Updated DEM Price List Too!

Click on the image above to see an animated views comparing 5-m and 2.5-m AW3D DEMs over Boston, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. (C)NTT DATA, RESTEC, Included JAXA

Interest in our 5-meter (m) AW3D DEMs has been strong so we fully expect our readers to be excited to hear that AW3D DEMs can now be delivered at 2.5-m resolution! With more than 80% of the world’s landmasses covered with DEM data, that is quite an impressive dataset now offered at four-times its originally resolution.

This new 2.5-m AW3D offering is extracted from the same ALOS stereo imagery as the 5-m version so it will have similar specifications that you have seen in the past. After several months of additional production and testing, NTTDATA will update their accuracy specification for the 2.5-m DEMs; but for now we are keeping with the original specs with the understanding the data will be no worse than and very likely significantly improved versus the 5-m offering.

Here is a summary of the current AW3D DEM specifications:

Resolution: 2.5-m (also offered at 5-m for a reduced price)
Date of ALOS Images Used: 2006 to 2011
Horizontal and Vertical Accuracy: 5-m LC90 and LE90, or better
Product Levels: level 1 DSM (raw data); level 2 DSM (voids infilled); level 2 DSM (standard); level 3 DTM
Average Delivery Time: 2 to 4 weeks

If you are interested in our new DEM price list which includes 2.5-m AW3D digital surface model (DSM) and digital terrain model (DTM) pricing, send us an email at You can also search the entire 2.5-m AW3D DEM archive on Image Hunter anytime!

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