Originally launched on November 11, 2016, we are happy to announce that DigitalGlobe’s newest 30-centimeter (cm) resolution satellite, WorldView-4 (WV4) is commercially operational, and so we are now accepting speculative tasking and archive orders for the data! In the coming weeks, keep an eye on Image Hunter as we will be adding the WV4 archive to our imagery search engine soon.
Pricing for WorldView-4 will be identical to WorldView-3 as they both feature a maximum resolution of 30-cm. One key difference between the two sister satellites is that WorldView-4 only offers 30-cm panchromatic and 1.2-meter multispectral data in four bands – i.e. blue, green, red and near-infrared (NIR).
If you would like to find out more about WorldView-4, you can check out our site here. If you have any specific projects where you would like WorldView-4 pricing, send us a note to sales@apollomapping.com and we would be happy to help!
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