Posted on January 10th, 2013

Use Google Earth to View Apollo Mapping Imagery Products

Starting this month, we are happy to announce a new delivery format for all of our imagery products, the Google Earth Overlay. The Google Earth Overlay is the perfect format for clients that might not have access to expensive geospatial software that is commonly used to view our medium and high resolution imagery.

A screengrab of a Google Earth Overlay of Uyo, Nigeria. When you add an Overlay to Google Earth, it will appear under Temporary Places.

By installing Google Earth (a freeware application), Apollo Mapping clients will be able to load any imagery product they purchase and:

    • Zoom in and out on it with easy
    • Turn on and off free Google geographic layers that can show the locations of schools, for example
    • Measure distances and areas
    • Determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of a location
    • Make custom map displays

The Google Earth Overlay format is offered with any imagery and elevation product that Apollo Mapping sells.

We can also process any imagery files you already have to let you use them easily in Google Earth. For additional information on Google Earth Overlays, ask the Apollo Mapping sales team at

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