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Posted on May 5th, 2015



BASEMAP + VIVID is a color-balanced, country-wide orthomosaic of 50 cm resolution imagery – mostly WorldView-2 and GeoEye-1, with minimal amounts of QuickBird to fill in coverage gaps. Data sheets for each country mosaic provide imagery age specifics, but in general, roughly 70-80% of the imagery is from 2011 or newer. Please contact me directly for a country-specific data sheet.

What Countries are Available?

Here is a list of the countries currently produced by global region. All produced countries are also available online via a Cloud Services subscription.

Argentina ElSalvador Honduras Nicaragua
Belize Guatemala Mexico  
Algeria Ghana Mali Sudan
Bahrain Guinea Mauritania Swaziland
Benin Guinea‐Bissau Morocco Syria
BurkinaFaso Iran Niger Tajikistan
Burundi Iraq Nigeria Togo
Cameroon Israel Oman Tunisia
CentralAfricaRepublic IvoryCoast Pakistan Turkmenistan
Chad Jordan Qatar Uganda
Djibouti Kenya Rwanda UnitedArabEmirates
Egypt Kuwait SaudiArabia Uzbekistan
Eritrea Lebanon Senegal WestBank
Ethiopia Lesotho SierraLeone WesternSahara
Gambia Liberia Somalia Yemen
GazaStrip Libya SouthAfrica   Kazakhstan

What Countries are Currently Being Produced?

Here is a list of countries ‘in production’ and an estimated timeline for their completion.

Expected Q2 2015 Completion:

China (portion) India Japan North Korea South Korea
The map shows the same coverage as last month given that much larger countries are currently being produced and they have a much longer production schedule. We are expecting this map to change for next month’s article.

BASEMAP + VIVD Coverage Map – March 2015

Can I Have my Country Produced if it’s Not on the ACC List?

BASEMAP + VIVID has a pre-determined product roadmap; and as of today, the production schedule for 2015 is already set because of processing capacity. The process to create ACC, even for a small country, is very time intensive. If there is a project that may require this type of product and you know about it far in advance, then please contact us for a production feasibility.

How is BASEMAP + VIVID Delivered and How Long does it Take?

Each country is expected to be available via FTP approximately 5-15 days after you place an order with Apollo Mapping. If hard drives are requested for delivery, the additional processing and shipping time will be provided by your Apollo Mapping sales rep as part of your quote.

What Can I Customize?

We can certainly review certain customizations such as down-sampling, delivery of partial countries, reprocessing into different files formats, re-projection, delivery on appliances and other options not mentioned.

Who is BASEMAP + VIVD Right For?

The Ibadan Airport in the City of Ibadan, Nigeria, recently produced cloud-free coverage from the BASEMAP + VIVD product. (Image Courtesy: DigitalGlobe)

This question has come up often lately and the only answer is, “Anyone who needs a seamless, high-resolution, mostly cloud-free basemap.”

There is no particular industry vertical more appropriate to use this product as we have received inquiries from just about every major industry in the world.

To find more about this one-of-a-kind product and to receive updates, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I’ll be updating this article monthly by presenting new maps and production schedules. We look forward to working with you on your next project.

Robert O’Munneke
Chief of Sales
(703) 304-6425

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