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Posted on October 4th, 2016

Map Mavin Methods: Visualizing and Navigating a Web Map

With our release of Map Mavin just around the corner, we’re excited to share another video lesson detailing the capabilities of our new web mapping platform. Map Mavin allows users to upload, store, view, edit and share files with anyone in the world. And if the potential to work with a team regardless of one’s location weren’t enough, Map Mavin provides even more value in allowing anyone who knows how to turn on a computer to make a map in less than a minute and host it online.

Visualizing and Navigating a Web Map – Video Overview

In our last Map Mavin Methods lesson we covered how to use uploaded spatial files to create a web map in Map Mavin. Now that we’ve learned how to assemble the pieces necessary for creating a web map, let’s go over what a user can do within Map Mavin in terms of visualizing and editing of the data. In the video below, I’ll show you how to make a simple web map that provides directions between a layer (in this case the city boundaries of a suburban Californian town) and another area of interest using points, lines and polygons. After drawing these features on our map with our redlining tool, I’ll give a brief overview of how to change layer symbology with our styling tool.

In this video episode of Map Mavin Methods we’ll show you how to view and manipulate data that you’ve uploaded into Map Mavin. Using a brief fictitious example, you’ll learn how to take advantage of our redlining tools, stylizing options and more as we create a simple directions map from one location to another

Available Map Mavin Tools

While many tools exist within Map Mavin and their potential applications are far-reaching, the place that most users will likely want to start is our redlining toolbar. The redlining toolbar allows users to place points, lines, polygons and post-it notes on their web map. The redlining tool, as well as the styling tool that allows users to change the symbology of their features (see the video for more information), are toggled by clicking the redlining icon on the right side of the web map screen.

Though capabilities and potential applications of Map Mavin extend beyond the creation of a simple directions map, the video walkthrough here demonstrates just how quickly and easily a project can be put together in our online mapping platform. In our next Map Mavin Methods lesson, we’ll dive deeper into Map Mavin’s tools and cover the Screen Share feature that allows users to collaborate across the globe on the same map in real time!

For any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to:

Fletcher Berryman
Cloud Tamer
(970) 710-0909

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