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Posted on June 4th, 2024

Out Of This World – NASA Spinoffs

The integration of outer space into our daily lives is more prevalent than you may know. NASA shows us the wonders of our universe and how its impact goes deeper than we realize with the NASA Spinoff program. Beginning in 1976, Spinoff features technologies that have benefited from NASA’s expertise and investment.

There are tons of Spinoff features to dive into so you’ll never get bored of learning about how NASA impacts our lives and even the lives of sea turtles. The Spinoff website includes an interactive map to find Spinoffs from your area. Some of our favorite Spinoff features are below.

Would someone please think of the sea turtle? (Credit: Tanguy Sauvin)

Sea Turtle Tracking

Sea turtles are a critical factor in determining the health of our ocean, and their well-being is important for the health of our ecosystem overall. The Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Florida uses NASA-developed Argos technology, including sensors and satellites, to track sea turtles’ movements and behavior in the ocean. The trackers have shown important information about the turtles’ habits, feeding grounds, and migration patterns. The Argos technology is also used to track ocean pollution, ship distress signals, and fishing boats. 

NASA and Brakes

Orbis Brakes has licensed NASA’s patented technology to develop a revolutionary brake disc design that is 42% lighter and performs comparably to carbon-ceramic brakes. The design involves a single disc with fins and depressions, creating a turbulent airflow that cools the rotor, brake pads, and calipers. The new brake’s periodic wave pattern increases the surface area for air cooling, reduces weight, and enhances friction.

Eye Tracking Technology

A partnership between NASA and Eyegaze Inc. led to the eye-tracking technology system that allows individuals with speech impairments caused by traumatic brain injury, stroke, or disease to communicate effectively. The technology uses infrared light and image processing to pinpoint a person’s gaze on a computer screen, letting users type, control the cursor, and perform various computer functions. It integrates with personal devices and enables users to chat online, post on social media, make calls, and control their environment.

As you can see, the effects of NASA on our daily lives are far greater than we know and the NASA Spinoff program is a fantastic way to ensure we never forget the impact of its technology.

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