Posted on January 5th, 2016

NEWS FLASH – Permanent Price Decrease for 30-cm WorldView-3 Imagery!

A quick heads up to our regular readers. This permanent price change for WorldView-3 data went into effect during November so if you have received a price list since then, you can consider this article a repeat – sorry for the confusion!

We are excited to announce that effective immediately, prices have decreased significantly for all WorldView-3 imagery products! This includes price reductions on archive orders and new collections, mono and stereo imagery and even on 8-band shortwave infrared (SWIR) data. If you have not had the chance to try out 30-centimeter (cm) WorldView-3 imagery from the world’s most technologically-advanced satellite, now is the time.

Here is a brief summary of the most exciting pricing changes:

A map of the current high-demand pricing countries for WorldView-3 tasking and archive data 90 days old or newer.
  • Every single 30-cm panchromatic/pansharpened, 1.2-meter (m) multispectral and 7.5-m WorldView-3 SWIR product has a price drop of more than 25%.
  • Tasking prices have been simplified so that countries are priced as either standard or high demand. High demand countries have a price uplift of ~80% on mono and stereo tasking and archive orders for data 90 days old or newer. See the map included with this article for the current high demand countries.
  • The 8-band 7.5-m SWIR data collected by WorldView-3 is invaluable for geologic and hydrocarbon exploration and this new collection price dropped by nearly 50%.
  • The new permanent pricing established by DigitalGlobe for WorldView-3 imagery is the same or lower than the discounted prices we highlighted in the past few newsletters.
  • Academic discounts still apply to all WorldView-3 imagery products.

If you would like a copy of our most recent price list, which includes these new prices for WorldView-3 imagery, send us an email at

And if you would like to find out more about WorldView-3 in the meantime, check out our website here.

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