It’s Saturday, April 13th, 11:07 AM at the Master’s as Keegan Bradley and Brian Gay have just stepped up to the first tee to open their Third Round at the 2013 Master’s, often referred to as Moving Day. Tiger Woods and the rest of the leaders are about two hours from their tee times and the crowds are already massing around each of the iconic holes.
As this scene unfolded, Astrium GEO’s 50-cm satellite, Pléiades 1A, was high overhead on its orbit through space and it collected gorgeous cloud-free data at exactly 11:07:40 AM Eastern time. In the color image that accompanies this article, you can see crowds of fans around nearly every hole, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their favorite players. This overhead image has rarely if ever been seen by the general public as air space over Augusta is restricted during the Master’s Tournament. We hope you enjoy the image – we certainly did!
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