Posted on January 9th, 2018

Map Mavin Methods – View Usage – January 2018

Welcome back to our monthly Map Mavin Methods article series! Each month we highlight a section of Map Mavin or guide you through a tutorial to make your user experience as easy as possible. Two of our most common questions are inter-related and we’ll take a look at them both in this month’s video: “How can I know what my charge will be for the month?” and “Where can I see my allotted storage?” Both are great questions and both can be answered by looking at the View Usage tab. Let’s get started!

In this month’s edition of our Map Mavin Methods video series, we’ll take a look at easy ways to monitor your storage capacity and other average account states in our View Usage Tab.

Let’s start with the first question: how can I figure out my monthly charge? With many mapping-related subscription services, this question can be quite the challenge to answer and worse still, the answer will likely be in the hundreds of dollars. From the earliest beginnings of Map Mavin, we’ve always made it our top priority to keep our pricing structure both affordable and simple enough to be contained in a sentence rather than a spreadsheet. With Map Mavin, 20 dollars a month gets you 5 GB of storage per month. If you’re using primarily vector data you’ll find it difficult to exceed this cap, and if you’re using larger raster data files then not to worry! Every GB over 5 GB is only 75 cents. 75 cents! And that charge will only take place for the month in which you exceed the cap, so if you’ve completed your project and no longer need to host it online, you’re more than able to delete the file(s) to reduce your used storage and return back to the standard $20/month charge.

The second question, “where can I see my allotted storage?”, is addressed in the same section of Map Mavin as the first question above. Simply click the View Usage tab in the green menu on the left of the Map Mavin interface and you’ll be brought to a page detailing your storage and other useful statistics. A pie chart shows you how much storage is remaining, while a graph details the size of each individual layer file in megabytes. A simple list at the top of the page shows average stats, such as disk usage, billing cost, traffic and more.

If you have more questions or any comments regarding Map Mavin, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Fletcher at or call him at (970) 710-0909.

Fletcher Berryman
Cloud Tamer
(970) 710-0909

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