Posted on April 2nd, 2019

Map Mavin Methods – Updates!

We have been working hard these last few months to make Map Mavin robust and (mostly) bug free. It may not be exciting, with a lack of fancy new features, but sometimes a little spring cleaning is in order. Here’s a little rundown of our most recent clean-up projects, in case you thought we were just vacationing in the Maldives.

In the map creation process, we patched up an error with sharing a map through the map editor. Password-protected maps didn’t feel like sharing, so we had to scold them into letting users download layers from the map.

Point clustering and heat mapping have put aside their differences to work together in our new drop-down menu. They still bicker from time to time.

On the choropleth mapping front, we fixed a bug that didn’t like when two layers with the same color ramp were added to the same map. We whipped it into shape with a plethora of colorful words. We also felt choropleth mapping was old enough to make its own decisions and gave it more freedom to pick colors, stops and label. We’ll see if it makes good decisions.

If you started to make a map, then decided you’d rather grab a cheese burger and pressed Cancel, the silly thing would create a blank map. Now you can eat that burger without a blank map cluttering up your Maps tab.

It was getting a bit crowded in the style editor for points. Grouping, heat maps and point density took up residence all across the menu. We corralled these pointy options into their own drop-down menu.

There was a thing were one system wasn’t talking nicely to another system and after much squabbling a random amount of time was chosen for the free trial. After shaking and banging on the computer, it finally gave in to the 31-day trial period.

If you find yourself tinkering in Map Mavin and it’s giving you some attitude or refusing to cooperate, just send us a line and we’ll make sure it’s plugged in or we’ll turn it off and on again.

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