For the past month or so, we’ve been focusing on improving our existing functionality and usability of Map Mavin. These changes are small but mighty! So for this Map Mavin Methods I will highlight some of my favorite system changes and improvements from the past month.
You might notice that the map cards in the Maps tab have a new look and feel. We took the action buttons out of the dropdown menu and gave them their own icons at the bottom of each card, giving you one less button to press. We did the same with the Data Catalog cards as well.
In the attribute table, we’ve improved and revamped the features there by adding a drop down menu that includes SQL and simple searches, download selected and select by location. Select by location lets you select features and their attributes by drawing a polygon on the map and capturing all the elements in the polygon. You can then flip a switch to view only the selected features and their attributes.
We also brought back simple searches, so you can search an attribute table without using SQL. Once you have all the features and their attributes selected, by any means, you can download the selected items to a GeoJSON file.
We’ve also added a Point Density mapping feature. Now, you can create a heat map based on the proximity of points to each other, not just on the values in a selected attribute column.
Our ArcGIS-to-Map Mavin plugin got an upgrade as well. You can now export geodatabase attachments form ArcGIS to your Map Mavin account. Check it out, and as always, send us your feedback!
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