We love maps.
We love imagery.
We love work breaks.
We hope you like them as well!
Summer is in full affect so you need that work break to stretch out your legs and soak up some of that amazing sunshine. But before you head out, take a few minutes to peruse the two cool images we feature this month in Your Imagery Work Break. The first is a 50-cm color image collected by GeoEye-1 on May 29, 2016 over the Indianapolis Motor Speedway while the 100th Indianapolis 500 was in action! Look at how many folks were packed into the stands surrounding the iconic race way where an estimated 300,000 screaming fans were expected to attend.
For the second image, we travel to the other side of the world with a 30-cm color image collected by WorldView-3 over the Victory Day Parade in Moscow, Russia on May 9, 2016. This is a very unique image as it was collected at a high off-nadir (or camera tilt) so you can see the sides of the buildings. Originally celebrated to commemorate the day the Soviet Union announced the defeat of the Nazi army, today the event is more of a showcase for Putin’s new military technology.
Have a great rest of your workday!
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