With offices based in downtown Boulder, Colorado, the Apollo Mapping team is all too aware of the dry summer season that we are sweating our way through. There have already been three nationally televised fires on the Front Range this season: Waldo Canyon outside Colorado Springs; Flagstaff right outside Boulder; and the High Park Fire outside Fort Collins. Our friends at Astrium Services were kind enough to share a SPOT 5 image collected over the High Park Fire on June 19th when the fire was only 55% contained, and we put together several previews of this data to show our readers the extent of the damage.
SPOT 5 has been in operation since May 4, 2002 collecting 4-band multispectral imagery (Green, Red, Near Infrared or NIR, and Short Wave Infrared or SWIR) with a footprint that is 60-km wide. The images below feature 10-meter resolution with varying band combinations. In the first preview, we used a band combination of SWIR, Green and Red (ported as screen colors Red, Green and Blue respectively) to emphasize the active front of the High Park Fire which is obvious below rolling smoke in the SPOT 5 imagery.
In the second preview, we used a band combination of NIR, Red and Green (ported as Red, Green and Blue), which is also called false color, whereby healthy vegetation is bright red while dead and burned vegetation is black. To give you a sense of scale, in the bottom right corner of this preview is Horsetooth Reservoir with Fort Collins just above.
By leveraging the synergies and expertise available across the whole of Astrium Services, its GEO-Information teams develop innovative, yet competitive, bespoke solutions based on the combination and integration of Earth observation, navigation and high-end telecommunications.
To find out more about SPOT 5 imagery, give us a call at (303) 993-3863 or email us at sales@apollomappoing.com.
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