The Satellite Imagery Source

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Posted on February 13th, 2012

GeoEye Adds a Program to Their Streaming Imagery Service, EyeQ – The Project Subscription Bundle

High-resolution imagery captured by satellite and aerial platforms over time helps decision makers quickly see precise changes on the ground.

The Project Subscription Bundle is a combination of products and services which provides the Engineering & Construction market with access to timely, accurate imagery for the life of a project. Imagery is delivered through GeoEye’s EyeQ online access service, allowing the entire project team to view, search and share the most recent imagery related to a project.

GeoEye provides access to current, high-resolution imagery throughout the life of the project – from pre-bid to project hand-off. Accurate, current imagery yields better insight, which leads to improved, cost-effective site planning and business decision making. The most up-to-date imagery for a project helps to identify risks and liabilities and to reduce loss margins. Enterprise access and sharing, from the project manager to the on-site contractor, ensures that everyone has the most current project data and imagery. Quarterly, semi-annual or annual imagery updates yield better project insight and management.

Project Subscription Bundle Features

The Project Subscription Bundle includes a portfolio of GeoEye products and services:

  • High-resolution imagery – map-accurate, 1-meter resolution imagery from new collections and archive
  • Online access to project imagery – hosted in EyeQ allowing project managers to search, organize and disseminate imagery across the enterprise
  • Imagery updates – customer-defined collection frequency (monthly, quarterly and annually)

EyeQ enables access to secure, timely and accurate geospatial imagery combined with on-demand tools for managing geospatial information and project-based collaboration. With EyeQ, users can search, organize and share geospatial data. By hosting the data and providing an easy-to-use user interface, EyeQ allows non-technical as well as advanced users to interact with geospatial data.

If you would like to find out more about GeoEye’s streaming EyeQ service and the bundles offered through it, please contact us at or at (303) 993-3863.


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One Response to GeoEye Adds a Program to Their Streaming Imagery Service, EyeQ – The Project Subscription Bundle

  1. badea gheorghe says:

    I like GeoEye…

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