Now that our GIS cloud, Map Mavin, is close to being released, we decided to transition the old focus of our Free For All series a bit. We will still offer free stuff here (double woot woot!) but now we will be offering you our own free stuff!
So here is how this will work. Each month, we will give away five free one-month subscriptions to Map Mavin – that is a $20 value! Included in this free one-month subscription will be limited cloud-based storage, and once you exceed this storage limit, you would be charged a low monthly fee starting at $20. And if you are already a Map Mavin client, then we would credit your account $20 if you win the contest.
To win the contest, you will need to submit the correct answer to the trivia question below. You have 24 hours from the time our newsletter sends to submit your answer. We will randomly draw five winners from the group of readers who answered correctly; and then announce these winners in the next edition of The Geospatial Times.
Okay, ready, set, here we go:
This American city has its geographic center in the Goss-Grove neighborhood and is said to cast a curse (some say a blessing) upon all those who gaze on its most famous natural wonder. What is the name of this city and the state it is located in?
You have 24 hours to get us the correct answer to this question by email. Please submit your answers to our email address.
Good luck and let us know if you have any questions about Map Mavin!
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