On September 23, 2014, the White House announced the coming availability of a near-global 30-meter (m) version of the widely utilized elevation dataset, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). Flown on a Space Shuttle mission during 2000, SRTM elevation data covers our globe from 60 degrees North to 56 degrees South and was previously only available at 30-m resolution over the USA. This important announcement by the White House was followed by a near instantaneous release of large portions of 30-m data over Africa. During November, more data over North and South America, the Pacific Islands and much of Europe was added to the 30-m SRTM coverage.
You can download 30-m SRTM data from the USGS Earth Explorer here. Be sure to select Data Sets from the row of tabs on the top left of the screen, then scroll down to Digital Elevation, then SRTM and finally select the SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global dataset.
Until my next edition of the Free For All, happy hunting for free geospatial goodies!
Brock Adam McCarty
Map Wizard
(720) 470-7988
Quisiera conseguir imagenes atelitales de la provincia de santa fe (argentina) del mes de febrero 2015