Posted on May 4th, 2021

Free For All – NASA at Home

Bring STEM into your home with NASA’s STEM lesson plans. (Credit: NASA)

NASA has a new website dedicated to bringing science and space into your home. As you can imagine, there is a lot of content out there aimed at different audiences. NASA has helpfully created subcategories to get you where you want to go. The section for Kids and Families has crafting ideas, science experiments, coloring books, video games, moon journals, videos and a whole lot more. For rabid podcast enthusiasts, they have podcasts exploring the mysteries of the universe, the latest news and new technology.

Over the years, NASA has amassed in-depth virtual tours of their missions and programs. Their Virtual Tour and App section puts them all in one place and lets you take virtual tours of the Mars Perseverance Rover, the Moon, the International Space Station and NASA centers. Citizen scientists will enjoy the Be a Scientist page, where they can classify the Martian terrain, discover brown dwarfs and look for undiscovered worlds. E-books and videos have their own separate pages and round out NASA’s offering to all of us space nerds. Happy sciencing!

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