My Free For All this month is wandering off topic into the world of cupcakes and llamas. What more can you ask for? Any website developer will be more than familiar with lorem ipsum, the nonsensical string of words, sentences and paragraphs used to fill in content on a test page. Traditional lorem ipsum text is in Latin and taken from Cicero’s works. The cryptic text is meant to showcase a website’s design and layout without the distraction of understandable content. However, just because it is useful doesn’t mean it has to be boring. A number of entertaining alternatives have cropped up, including Bacon Ipsum, Fillerati (which takes from well-known novels) and a Lebowski Ipsum. While I love the Space Ipsum I have to admit that my all time favorite is the Cupcake Ipsum. Long strings of donut muffin pastry pie will lighten up any website design as well as stoke the appetite. Don’t be surprised if your stomach starts grumbling and you pick up a sweet tooth along the way.
Another entertaining diversion related to text wandered into my inbox one day. If ever you need to send a message and Times New Roman just won’t cut it, say it in Llama instead. Â No, I don’t mean loud bleating noises. It’s silly, curious looking llamas doing acrobatics in the shape of font. What a cute way to break some bad news or lighten the mood!
Here is another Ipsum generator to check out! https://www.websiteplanet.com/webtools/lorem-ipsum/