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Posted on January 7th, 2025

Apollo News Snippets – January 2025

In November 2024, Hurricane Rafael made landfall in Cuba as a category 3 storm before tying with 1985’s Hurricane Kate as the strongest November hurricane so far in the Gulf of Mexico. Storm Bert dropped more than 6 inches of rain in three days to parts of southern Wales and southwestern England, prompting severe flooding and evacuations, with at least five deaths linked directly to the storm. Cyclone Storm Fengal hit India with heavy rainfall that led to flooding, landslides and more than two dozen deaths. Super Typhoon Pepito became the sixth tropical system to affect the Philippines in less than a month and one of four tropical cyclones to simultaneously exist in the Western Pacific in November, the first time since records were kept in 1951. (Image Credit: NOAA Global Climate Report)
  • The Global Climate Change Report for November 2024 has been released by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information and reveals further proof that Climate Change remains a concern. The Northern Hemisphere experienced its second warmest November on record at 3.46°F above average. The Northern Hemisphere land temperature also was second warmest for November, as was the ocean temperature. November 2024 in the Southern Hemisphere also ranked as the second warmest on record at 1.37°F above average. The November global surface temperature was 2.41°F above the 20th Century average of 55.2°F, making it the second-warmest November on record. North and South America experienced drier-than-average conditions in November 2024, while Central American and the Caribbean enjoyed above average precipitation levels.
  • Whether we like it or not, the cold and flu season is upon us. Typically, flu activity peaks between December and February. Because the flu and the common cold are both contagious respiratory illnesses, they are caused by different viruses. They also share many symptoms, so it’s often difficult to tell which one is weighing you down, but cold symptoms usually are milder than flu symptoms. So, if you’re feeling under the weather, use the WebMD map and their Symptom Checker. Zoom in to see data by county and see if there’s been a spike in either flu or the common cold. Of course, everyone knows how important GIS tools were during the coronavirus pandemic when tracking outbreaks. FluNet is a global web-based tool for influenza virological surveillance that was first launched in 1997, it shows where there are increases in flu cases. So, push the vitamin C, keep washing your hands and check out one of these tools if you’re feeling under the weather.

Brock Adam McCarty
Map Wizard
(720) 470-7988

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