Posted on September 3rd, 2019

3.7-meter SWIR WorldView-3 Samples Ready for Download!

A 3.7-meter WorldView-3 SWIR sample collected over the Andes Mountains in Peru. We have used a 2-6-8 (blue-green-red) band combination to display this data in false color. (Image Credit: Maxar)

In the past few editions of The Geospatial Times, we have let our readers know about the change in product resolution for 8-band short-wave infrared (SWIR) WorldView-3 from 7.5-meters (m) to 3.7-m (which is its native resolution); and also about the associated price changes.

Have you asked for an updated satellite imagery price list with our new WorldView-3 SWIR pricing? If not, send us an email at and we will get the new price list right over to you!

And if you have a new price list, you might be excited to hear that we have two 30-centimeter (cm) panchromatic, 1.2-m 8-band multispectral and 3.7-m 8-band SWIR WorldView-3 samples available for download from our website now! One samples is from a relatively tree-free zone deep in the Andres Mountains of Peru; and the other is from a national forest on the border of Virginia and West Virginia in the United States.

You can download our new 3.7-m SWIR WV3 samples here – enjoy!

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