Posted on January 5th, 2016

15-cm and 30-cm Aerial Imagery Now Available for Areas Down to 100 Square Kilometers

A 15-cm color aerial imagery collected over Allegheny County, Pennsylvania during spring 2014.

With the New Year comes new pricing options for collections of 15-centimeter (cm) and 30-cm aerial imagery over areas as small as 100 square kilometers (sq km). That’s right, you read it correct, we can now offer cloud-free collections of 15-cm and 30-cm aerial imagery anywhere in the continental USA for areas just 100 sq km in size!

If you are working inside the USA and need resolution better than we can offer from a satellite, there is no better choice than our aerial imagery. Here are the points that really set this offering apart from the competition:

  • Fixed and easy to understand pricing for areas as small as 100 sq km.
  • Cloud-free imagery typically delivered to you within 4 to 6 weeks of order confirmation.
  • 3-meter or better positional accuracy.
  • 4-band multispectral imagery is available as well.

Send us an email to get your hands on our new price list which includes aerial imagery pricing for areas as small as 100 sq km now!

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