Posted on March 4th, 2014

12-meter WorldDEM Samples are Ready for Download

For the past two and a half years, Airbus Defense and Space’s twin high-resolution radar satellites, TerraSar-X and TanDEM-X, have imaged the entire land surface of our planet multiple times to create the first ever 12-meter (m) global elevation model, the WorldDEM. Expected to be ready for commercial sales by mid-2014, Apollo Mapping is happy to announce that 12-m WorldDEM samples are ready for download over three locations.

The key specifications of Airbus Defense and Space’s WorldDEM are as follows:

A comparison of two DSMs: first a 30-meter (i.e. free ASTER GDEM resolution) layer; and second a 12-meter WorldDEM layer.
  • Resolution: 12-m
  • Vertical Accuracy: 2-m (relative), 10-m (absolute)
  • Format: digital surface models (DSM) & digital terrain models (DTM)
  • Vintage: all data collected within 2.5-years
  • Source: synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X

You can download the three 12-m WorldDEM samples here:

For more information on 12-m WorldDEM data, please send us an email at

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13 Responses to 12-meter WorldDEM Samples are Ready for Download

  1. Christian Silva says:

    I’m doing work for environmental management in the town of Potosi Colombia Nariño, interested me the job done with its new 12m MDT could access this Site MDT mentioned?

    • Admin says:

      Hi Christian – thanks for the comment. The 12-meter DEM is not ready to go yet – we expect it will be in the next few months. Keep an eye on the newsletter for more details.

  2. Laurent Rajoelison says:

    A good product.
    Will it be available worldwide with the 12 m resolution ?
    What will its cost ?

    • Admin says:

      Hi Laurent – thanks for the email request. This product will be worldwide in 12-meter resolution. The prices for the data are not set yet. As soon as the price is announced, we will let you know.

      Thanks for the interest!

  3. mark mellein says:

    I’m serching for UFOs in the mountains north in ojai can. 93023. And I need good satellite mapping up to date cleer focus.

  4. Mahmoud Elsaid says:

    I am working at Geotechnical and Environmental Co. Ltd. in Saudi Arabia in the field of Surface Hydrology and Environmental assessments. Please, send me your price list urgently.

  5. Salih YILDIRIM says:

    Hi. I m a geomatic engineering student in TURKEY. I need 12 m resolution GDEM ( City : Sivas / TURKEY ) for my homework. Can u help me about it ?

  6. Amit Haldar says:


    Could anyone tell me about the transformation of the vertical datum into ellipsoidal datum?? And in WorldDEM DTM what is the significance of negative elevation values in the data?? Is it from MSL or what??

    • Hi Amit – you will find info on the vertical datum in the metadata, I believe it is based on a WGS84 datum. The negative values can be actual negative values, meaning below sea level. Or if in the black fill portion, that just is meant to show you that these values are invalid and are just black fill.

  7. Nghishiinawa Mundjanma says:

    Hi, doing hydrological analysis for parts of Namibia (Southern Africa), is the DEM available for the aforementioned area?

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