WorldView-1 Satellite

WorldView-1 satellite collects impressive amounts of 50-cm resolution, panchromatic imagery on a daily basis.

WorldView-1 Satellite Imagery Samples

WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Le Parc des Princes, Paris, Frances; June 7, 2018
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Mont Saint Michel, France; May 25, 2012
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Añelo, Argentina; October 22, 2013
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - The Masters Tournament, Augusta, Georgia, USA; April 13, 2019
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Forest City, Iowa, USA; June 20, 2016
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Forest City, Iowa, USA; June 20, 2016
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Zaatari Refugee Camp, Jordan; December 16, 2013
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Austin, Texas; March 22, 2010
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Tenga Valley, India; March 1, 2011
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Longleat, England; October 11, 2010
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Fuji-Q High Land, Japan; July 16, 2011
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Tenga Valley, India; March 1, 2011
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Boulder, Colorado; February 9, 2012
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Vienna, Virginia; April 12, 2010
WorldView-1 78-cm Panchromatic - Dubai Air Show 2017, United Arab Emirates (high off-nadir); November 13, 2017
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Shanggaji, China; February 7, 2011
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Ecuador; February 26, 2011
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Rural Guatemala, March 16, 2012
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Vienna, Virginia; April 12, 2010
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Shekosh, Ethiopia; December 4, 2018
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Ross Island, Antarctica; December 1, 2014
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Ross Island, Antarctica; December 1, 2014
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand; April 17, 2011
WorldView-1 50-cm Panchromatic - Pakistan; May 1, 2006
WorldView-1 ~84-cm Panchromatic - Australian Open, Melbourne Park; January 19, 2019 (High Off-Nadir Imagery)

Click on the expand button for a larger view of each image. You can also right-click and save any of the examples to your computer for a full resolution view.

The WorldView-1 Advantage

Global Coverage
The archive of WorldView-1 is filled with 10,000 sq km (or larger) rectangles of continuous high resolution imagery. It would be unusual if the WorldView-1 archive did not contain at least one image over your location.

Stereo Imagery
WorldView-1 is an extremely agile satellite that can collect stereo imagery. Stereo imagery is the raw data needed to create accurate elevation models.

High Positional Accuracy
With impressive positional accuracy (often even without orthorectification) and an ever-expanding archive, WorldView-1 is appropriate for regional and local mapping projects, site monitoring and land use determination.

Overview & HistoryWorldView-1 SpecificationsPricing

WorkdView-1 is the industry leader when it comes to high resolution coverage. This satellite collects more than 1,000,000 square kilometers (sq km) of imagery every day! After a six year break in the launch of high resolution satellites, WorldView-1 was launched by Maxar Technologies on September 18, 2007 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA.

As the first of the second-generation high-resolution satellites, WorldView-1 features 50-centimeter (cm) panchromatic imagery. Orbiting our planet at 496 km, it is an extremely agile satellite with an enormous archive of high resolution imagery, including stereo data for topographic model creation.

Launch Details
  • Launch Date: September 18, 2007, 18:35 UTC
  • Vehicle: Delta 7920
  • Site: Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA
  • Expected Mission Life: 2017 to 2019

WorldView-1 Components
  • Dimensions: 3.6-m tall x 2.5-m across; 7.1-m across with deployed solar array; 2290 kg
  • Solar Array: 3.2 kW, 100 Ahr battery
  • Control Systems:
    • 3-axis stabilized
    • Actuators: control movement gyros (CMGs)
    • Altitude determination: star trackers, solid state inertial reference unit (IRU) and GPS
  • Onboard Storage Capacity: 2199 gigabytes, solid state with EDAC
  • Ground Communication Systems:
    • Imagery & metadata downlink – 800 Mbits per second, X-band
    • Maintenance – 4, 16 or 32 kilobytes per second (kbps) real time, 524 kbps stored, X-band
    • Commands – 2 or 64 kbps, S-band
  • Focal Plane:
    • 50 staggered panchromatic detector sub-arrays (DSAs) – 732 detectors per DSA; 36,400 detectors are light sensitive

Orbit Characteristics
  • Altitude: 496 km
  • Period: 95 minutes
  • Inclination: 98.0°
  • Direction: sun-synchronous circular, north to south (across the lit side of Earth)
  • Equatorial Crossing Time: 1:30 PM by June 2016; 2-year transition from 10:30 AM local time started June 2014 (approximate; across lit side of Earth)
  • Revisit Frequency: (at 40°N)
    • 1.7 days (< 45° off-nadir)
    • 5.4 days (< 20° off-nadir)

Imaging System
  • Spectral Bands:
    • Panchromatic only
  • Sensor Resolution:
    • At nadir – 50 cm
    • 20° off-nadir – 55 cm
    • 30° off-nadir – 64 cm
    • 45° off-nadir – 92 cm
  • Spectral Band Wavelength Range: (minimum, center, maximum edge; in nm)
    • Panchromatic – 397, 651, 905
  • Dynamic Range: 11-bits

Collection Capabilities
  • Footprint Width: 17.7 km (at nadir)
  • Collection Geometry: (at 30° off-nadir)
    • Mono, large area – 111 km x 112 km (6 strips wide)
    • Mono, long strip – 360 km x 17.7 km (1 strip only)
    • Stereo, large area – 51 km x 112 km (3 pairs wide)
  • Retargeting Ability: 10 sec (time to slew 200 km)
  • Daily Collection Capacity: 1,3000,000 sq km
  • Georeferenced Horizontal Accuracy: < 4.0-m CE90 (global average, dependent on terrain)

Below is the least expensive WorldView-1 data offered. Prices increase for new collections and data processing. Note that academic and volume discounts are available.

  • Data Source: archive (greater than 90 days old)
  • Minimum Order Size: 25 sq km (per area & date)
  • Product Type: georeferenced + panchromatic
  • Price Per Sq Km: $14.50 (more detailed pricing can be found here)

For an exact quote, please contact our Sales Team at

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