SkySat Satellite Imagery Samples
The SkySat Advantage
SkySat is a growing constellation of 21 (as of August 2020), sub-meter resolution micro-satellites. Launched in 2014, the satellites currently collect 65-centimeter (cm) panchromatic and 81-cm (m) 4-band multispectral (i.e. blue, green, red and near-infrared [NIR]) imagery – which is delivered as 50-cm 4-band pansharpened imagery through super-resolution processing. Originally built and launched by Terra Bella, the first seven SkySat satellites were acquired by Planet in 2017. Since then, Planet has added a number of microsats to the constellation.
SkySat’s impressive flock of microsats is ideal for monitoring high-value sights offering up to 12 revisits per day over a given location with the additional capability to capture 120 seconds of 50-cm panchromatic video. Micro-satellites are small with shorter life expectancies then their larger counterparts like WorldView-3, so expect to see more SkySats launched into orbit as the original microsats reach the end of their lifespans.
Below is the least expensive, color SkySat data offered. Prices increase for data processing. Note that academic and volume discounts are available.
- Data Source: archive
- Minimum Order Size: 25 sq km (per area & date)
- Product Type: georeferenced + natural color or 4-band
- Price Per Sq Km: $6.50 (more detailed pricing can be found here)
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