FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Imagery Samples
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The FORMOSAT-2 Advantage
Launched on May 21, 2004 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA by the National Space Organization (NSPO), FORMOSAT-2 is the first medium resolution satellite developed by the Taiwanese. FORMOSAT-2 featured optical sensors with 2-meter (m) panchromatic and 8-m multispectral (i.e. blue, green, red and near-infrared/NIR) resolution. With an orbital height of 891 kilometers (km), FORMOSAT-2 offered daily revisits over any location within its fixed orbital track.
FORMOSAT-2 collected its last image on June 20, 2016 and was decommissioned shortly thereafter on August 1, 2016.
Below is the least expensive FORMOSAT-2 data offered. Prices increase for additional spectral bands and data processing. Note that academic and volume discounts are available.
- Data Source: archive
- Minimum Order Size: 200 sq km (per area & date)
- Product Type: RPC-controlled + bundle
- Price Per Scene: $1.60 per sq km (more detailed pricing can be found here)
For an exact quote, please contact our Sales Team at