How To Set Up An Image Hunter Data Alert
What is Data Alert?
Apollo Mapping offers Data Alert as a free service to track new imagery collections. Powered by Image Hunter, Data Alert allows users to define their area of interest and set their required image parameters, including resolution and date range. Once a Data Alert is created, users receive an email when a new image is collected over their area that meets the defined parameters.
Data Alert is a free service for our valued clients, so there’s no obligation to purchase.
How Do You Set Up a Data Alert?
Setting up a Data Alert for your project is easy to do. Just follow the steps below or watch the short YouTube video that accompanies this GTM:
- Go to our imagery search engine, Image Hunter, with your favorite browser. We find that either Chrome or Firefox work best with Image Hunter.
- If you would like to draw or load your polygon before you set up a Data Alert, you can do so by following the directions here. You can also upload a zipped shapefile or KML/KMZ directly in the Data Alert interface, which is explained below.
- Click on the‘Tools’icon in the header of Image Hunter (see Graphic 1). This will bring up a sub-section of more icons.
- In the sub-section, click on the ‘Bell’ icon (see Graphic 2).
- This will bring up the Data Alert interface (see Graphic 3).
- You will need to fill out Your name (required), Company (optional), Phone number (optional) and Email address (required).
- Now enter a Description or project name to describe your Data Alert.
- Use the slider bar to set the maximum acceptable resolution. For example, if you set the slider to 1 m (or 1 meter), you will be altered when images with 15-centimeter (the current maximum resolution of data in Image Hunter) to 1-m resolution are collected over your area of interest.
- Use the pull-down menu to select the number of months your Data Alert should stay active.
- Finally, you need to define your area of interest by using the onscreen polygon you may have drawn or uploaded in Step 2 above; or you can press ‘Choose File’ to upload a zipped shapefile or KMZ of your area.
- Once you press Submit, you will receive an email confirmation that lets you know everything is setup and running. If we find new imagery over your polygon in our daily search, we will let you know by email. You can email us back if you would like to order at that time.Hopefully you find our Data Alert service to be of value. If you have any ideas on how we can improve it, please send us an email at
A short YouTube video walking you through the steps required to set up a Data Alert on Image Hunter.